Call for Abstracts
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Submission Deadline for Abstracts: 03. March 2025
The global landscape of cities is undergoing rapid and profound changes. As urban areas continue to grow, the need for sustainable, innovative, and livable solutions becomes more pressing. In focus of the conference are the challenges for urban sustainability transformation in a local and international context. Invited will be protagonists of real world labs / living labs who present approaches and results of transformative research.
This conference aims to bring together young academics and experienced researchers, scientists and practitioners to explore and discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in urban transformation and shall be an interface between scientists and society
The Young Academics Track, held on October 16th 2025, warmly invites scholars to contribute their expertise to the broad field of 'Urban Transformation Research,' encompassing topics such as urban governance, mobility, waterscapes, digitalization, and beyond, with a particular focus on research that aligns with the diverse challenges and opportunities of urban transformation, like:
- Climate Protection & Adaption
- Mobility and Urban Space
- Water and Urban Ecology
- Resources, Building and Construction
- Energy and Digitalization
- Urban Governance and Planning
- Experimenting for Sustainability
Integrating the chosen topic into the context of 'urban research' and potential application areas in 'Digital City', 'Livable City', 'Connected City', 'Sustainability', 'Living Labs' and 'New Methodologies' is expressly desired. Also, showcases of innovative experiments, research methodologies and analytical techniques that push the boundaries of traditional urban studies are welcome.
All positively reviewed submissions from the above topics can be published open access with DOI by KIT Publishing House.
The best submissions on each topic will be able to present their research in a 20-minute talk during the session and discuss it with our experts and the audience. All other submissions can present their research in the subsequent Pecha Kucha slot as a highlight presentation to the conference participants before the evening event of the community.
We look forward to receiving numerous submissions!
Participation Fees
Regular: 200 €
PhD students YA session with submitted abstract or poster presentation: 90€
Students: free of charge
Submission Guidelines for Full Papers
The contribution should contain around 2000 Words or 15000 characters, including key references, which do not count in words and characters, and 2/3 up to 6 informative diagrams, illustrations or images.
Please include Images or figures in the text.
Please reference/name the figures/images in the text in bracelets, i.e. (fig. 1). All images must be handed in as separate files (JPG, 300 dpi).
Please provide a caption for each image, including the title, author, and/or photographer and the year.
Including an abstract at the beginning with max. 1000 characters.
Citation Style
APA (American Psychological Association 7th edition) - (Author – Date). (Smith et al., 2021)
Smith, J., Petrovic, P., Rose, M., De Souz, C., Muller, L., Nowak, B., & Martinez, J. (2021). Placeholder Text: A Study. The Journal of Citation Styles, 3.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 03.03.2025
Notification of Acceptance: 21.03.2025
Full Paper Submission Deadline: 28.04.2025
Notification of Acceptance: 02.06.2025
Camera Ready / Publication Ready Paper Submission: 01.07.2025
Conference Dates:15.10.2025-17.10.2025
Submission Process
Please submit your abstract and full paper through this online submission system (button below). Each submission will be peer-reviewed by a panel of experts in the field.
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Join us in exploring the future of urban spaces and contribute to the discourse on how we can create cities that are not only smart and connected but also sustainable and livable. We look forward to your submissions and to welcoming you to this exciting event!